Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Ezetimibe fiasco - the excuses continue

Scientific Fraud

Debunking Creationist Claims

Science and spirituality are not necessarily exclusive of each other, evolution occurs in an environment composed of time, space and form, where spirit if it does indeed exist, must be of a primordial nature, timeless and formless.

Researchers Create New Rat Heart in Lab

Medicine's dream of growing new human hearts and other organs to repair or replace damaged ones received a significant boost on Sunday when University of Minnesota researchers reported success in creating a beating rat heart in a laboratory.

U of M researchers create beating heart in laboratory

By using a process called whole organ decellularization, scientists from the University of Minnesota Center for Cardiovascular Repair grew functioning heart tissue by taking dead rat and pig hearts and reseeding them with a mixture of live cells.

Debunking Creationist Claims

Science and spirituality are not necessarily exclusive of each other, evolution occurs in an environment composed of time, space and form, where spirit if it does indeed exist, must be of a primordial nature, timeless and formless.


Click 'no thumbnail' if you don't want to include one.

The Surreal, Beautiful, and Monstrous Art of Richard Kirk

Inspired by medical illustrations, the bodies of insects, and the human form.

Stealth Creationist Mischief in Florida

The words "Intelligent Design" are legislative poison, so school boards are not demanding the teaching of ID. Rather, they are opposing the teaching of evolution "as fact." They want to just quietly squelch the teaching of evolution school district by school district.

Man's Earliest Footsteps May Be Lost Forever

They are the world's oldest human tracks, a set of footprints pressed into volcanic ash that have lain perfectly preserved for more than three-and-a-half million years. Made by a group of ancient apemen, the prints represent one of the most important sites in human evolutionary studies.

Frankenscientists Create Working Heart From Dead Rat Cells

Scientists-playing-God have stepped up their game by soaking a cartilage structure from a dead rat heart with stem cells from live rats, feeding it a protein solution, and watching it grow into a fully functional rat heart. There was no need for giant Teslacoils to pull ightning from the sky and the hearts did not become sewn-up reanimated zombies.

Lifetime fitness with nutritional Cleansing

Our pursuit of lifetime fitness can be quite difficult in a world filled with fast food, nutritionally deficient foods, and toxins everywhere.

Keys to Improving Science Education Scores - PISA Study

The results from the PISA study also included factors to help fix the problems in US education.

Tips for Shopping Health Insurance and Life Insurance Online

If you've found your way here, you've no doubt decided you need to purchase a new insurance policy or add to your existing level of insurance.

Man's Earliest Footsteps May Be Lost Forever

They are the world's oldest human tracks, a set of footprints pressed into volcanic ash that have lain perfectly preserved for more than three-and-a-half million years. Made by a group of ancient apemen, the prints represent one of the most important sites in human evolutionary studies.

Frankenscientists Create Working Heart From Dead Rat Cells

Scientists-playing-God have stepped up their game by soaking a cartilage structure from a dead rat heart with stem cells from live rats, feeding it a protein solution, and watching it grow into a fully functional rat heart. There was no need for giant Teslacoils to pull ightning from the sky and the hearts did not become sewn-up reanimated zombies.

Scientists create beating hearts in lab

U.S. researchers say they have coaxed hearts from dead rats to beat again in the laboratory and said the discovery may one day lead to customized organ transplants for people.

Science Experiments to Try at Home #1

Learning about solids, liquids, dissolving and solutionswith a practical approach

The joy of nano. And pico, femto, zepto and yocto?

Why are so many products called nano?

Octopuses need mental stimulation.

A giant Pacific octopus living in a Cornish aquarium has formed an unlikely bond with a child's plastic toy.

Earth Barely Big Enough for Life, Study Says

Astronomers searching for habitable worlds might do best to look for rocky planets several times larger than Earth. That's because, according to a new study, our planet is at the lower end of the size range needed for plate tectonics—which scientists believe are vital for stabilizing temperatures enough for life. - YouTube wordt Roermondse jeugdbende noodlotti

ROERMOND - De politie heeft acht jongeren uit Roermond opgepakt die zich de afgelopen maanden schuldig hebben gemaakt aan een reeks scooterdiefstallen, straatroven en inbraken in woningen en auto's. De politie kwam de jeugdbende op het spoor omdat de jongeren filmpjes op YouTube zetten. - Vaccin tegen blauwtong is klaar

BOXMEER - Onderzoekers hebben een vaccin gevonden tegen de dierziekte blauwtong. Het middel is inmiddels in productie genomen door diergeneesmiddelenfabrikant Intervet in Boxmeer. -Chirurgen verwijderen s werelds grootste tumor

AMSTERDAM - Een ziekenhuis in China heeft de grootste tumor ooit succesvol van de billen van een 36-jarige vrouw verwijderd. De tumor, die inmiddels 45 kilo woog, was zwaarder geworden dan de patiënt zelf. Dat meldt de lokale Chinese krant.

Adding Meta Tag to Your Blog /Website + Improve Website Rank

Both Meta tag for Keywords and Site Description explained.Try them out and find the difference rather increase in number of visitors from search engines.

MiniemenInstituut Miniemen

Het miniemeninstituut te Leuven. Een interessant artikel over welke keuzes en materiaal er is.

eBay: Flying car by Boeing for sale - Takes off!!!

This Concept Sky Commuter from the mid 80's created by a Boeing engineer is up for sale on eBay. The final prototype before the idea was scraped. Over $6000000 R&D into this aircraft. Great snatch for $50k

Carl Sagan and the Defense of Knowledge

Carl Sagan has to be one of the greatest popularisers of science we've ever had. He fascinated an entire generation with his documentaries and perhaps inspired many of the scientists who work throughout the world today.

The Quantum Redefined

It has occurred to me recently that the quantum, defined aptly by Wikipedia as "an indivisible entity of energy," is not. In fact, I have currently talked myself into believing that this whole idea of the quantum is absolutely wrong.

Scientists find recipe for 'sound cloaking'

Scientists at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering this week said they found a recipe for artificial materials that potentially could be used to create a 3-D "sound cloak," an idea that refers to changing the shape of sound.

The Quran Miracle-Sex in Plants

53- And has sent down water from the sky. With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants.

Smokers and junkies are supersmart and rational?

Junkies, binge-eaters, smokers and other addicts are über-rational, far-sighted people who are consistently following up on their welfare-maximizing plans to smoke more cigarettes, inject more heroin etc. over time. Or so claimed a Nobel Laureate economist - whose theory is now the standard way economists work with addiction.

Sexualis on the Neticus

Sex research, through the eyes of a sex researcher.

Oh... OK... this explains everything [MUST WATCH]

A unique (conspiratorial) view of time travel and such. This is pretty crazy, but awesomely entertaining.

Filming a Movie War -- Modern Mechanix

It was the World War all over again for many American Legion men and ex-German soldiers acting as extras during the filming of The Road Back. Every exploding shell and spattering of machine gun fire brought back memories of war's deadliness. But this was a movie war—nobody was being killed!

Millions Of Young People Have Used Cough Syrup To Get High

Expect to see cough syrup to become a controlled substance soon. That is unless those pharma lobbyists do their wheeling and dealing. Reading this reminded me of the time my brother said he got high because he scraped the poppy seeds off a bagel... what a moron.