Monday, January 14, 2008

Dinosaurs 'grew fast, bred young'

Dinosaurs bred as early as age eight, long before they reached adult size, fossil evidence suggests. Although they were descended from reptiles, and evolved into birds, dinosaurs grew fast and bred young, much like the mammals of today.

Practice Test Organic Chemistry Dental Admissions Test (DAT)

Download organic chemistry for the dental admissions test DAT

Researchers grow beating heart in lab

Researchers seeking new treatments for heart disease managed to grow a rat heart in the lab and start it beating.Researchers stripped cells from a rat heart and replaced them, getting them to grow into a "bioartificial" heart. "While it still sounds like science fiction, we've hopefully opened a new door in the notion that we can build these tissue

Big Brain Theory: Have Cosmologists Lost Theirs?

If true, this hypothesis would mean that you yourself reading this article are more likely to be some momentary fluctuation in a field of matter and energy out in space than a person with a real past born through billions of years of evolution in an orderly star-spangled cosmos.

The history of monotheistic religion

The global spread of what Richard Dawkins calls "The Virus of Faith", a disease of the mind that humans are vulnerable to catching during their youth.

BOINC: compute for science

BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home,, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others.

Protons may be neurotransmitters

Serotonin, dopamine, ... and protons? New evidence suggests protons behave like neurotransmitters, the compounds released by neurons to stimulate other neurons or to contract muscles. University of Utah researchers drew this conclusion while studying muscle contractions associated with defecation in Caenorhabditis elegans worms

Finally! A FLESH EATING Bacteria that targets GAY men

All religious fanatics, fundamentalists you can finally rejoice GOD is with you :)

The Last Letter of Robert Falcon Scott

Ninety-six years ago this week, Robert Falcon Scott and his four comrades walked to the South Pole and found the first structure ever put there--a tent, half-buried in the snow, left by Roald Amundsen and his team. The Norwegians had beaten the British by a month.

Hector computer will revolutionise the research works

In an attempt to keep up with the changing technology the new computer which is considered as the largest and most powerful one will soon be unveiled in Edinburgh. The computer named Hector (High End Computing Terascale Resources) has the ability to perform 63 million calculations in a second and is four times faster than its former versions.

Crisis? Maybe He’s a Narcissistic Jerk

Is the midlife crisis the newest excuse for poor behavior? Popularly viewed as a unique developmental birthright of the human species, it supposedly strikes when most of us have finally figured ourselves out — only to discover that we have lost our youth and mortality is on the horizon.

Open Lab 2007 - Up For Sale!

The 2nd science blogging anthology is finally out!

Google tantaculaire, voulez-vous en faire partie ?

Google est en train de se former une petite armée de mercenaires du Web ouvert sur le monde entier pour conquérir le monde, un peu à la Minus et Cortex.. mais lequel de Sergey ou de Larry est Minus ?? En attendant, je vous invite à regarder ce reportage sur Google diffusé le mois dernier sur les petits écrans.


It is said that bioinformatics is the marriage between biology and information technology. the basics and the anatomy of information technology / computer science and biology / life sciences are completely different. But their combination has given the humans a new tool to explore the hidden mysteries of science.

Supreme Court Denies Dying Patients Promising New Drugs

The challenge was brought by the Washington Legal Foundation and the Abigail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs. Abigail Burroughs, who was diagnosed at 19 and died at 21 of a form of cancer rare in someone her age. The young woman died in 2001, and the drug she was seeking was later approved.

Model T to Hybrid: Threats

Article on Ford

Preparation of Competent E.Coli Cells

It is necessary to make the E.coli cells competent for the transformation. Ecoli M229 strin was made competent to DNA via CaCl2 treatment. Transferred 1.5ml of log phase culture to a microfuge tube and kept it at 0C for 10min. Above solution was centrifuged at 4000rpm for 10min and the supernatant was remo

Birth of bioinformatics

in 1999, 1.5Mb of human genomic sequences were deposited in genebank monthly. In 2001 15 billion bases of sequence information were deposited. So there's a very rapid growth curve of sequence information. It became virtually impossible to handle these information manually by humans or by simple computations. So there was need of extensive integrati

Cool protein synthesis mechanism

3' untranslated region of mRNA binds a translation factor protein that's supposed to bind the cap at the 5' end. Instead the 3' end binds the 5' end to deliver the factor to the 5' end, and then the ribosome can be recruited.

The history of monotheistic religion

As Dawkins calls it, "The Virus of Faith"

Fossils reveal dinosaurs had teen sex

Dinosaurs did not wait to have sex – adolescent females, including Tyrannosaurus rex, started reproducing before they had finished growing to adult size, a new study shows. The findings add to evidence that adolescence was the prime of life for dinosaurs.

DNA may help confirm Egyptian mummy as Queen Hatshepsut

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- A tooth found in a relic box led archaeologists to identify a long-overlooked mummy as that of Egypt's most powerful female pharoah -- possibly the most significant find since King Tutankhamun's tomb was uncovered in 1922, experts said Wednesday.

The darkest material on earth - Now, this is dark !

A scientist at Rice University has created the darkest material known to man, a carpet of carbon nanotubes that reflects only 0.045 percent of all light shined upon it.

Calculating BMI

Calculating BMI is not that difficult & can prevent a laundry list of illnesses

T Rex had teen sex, scientists say

Inside the fossilized bones of three different types of adolescent dinosaurs, scientists have found the remains of a special type of calcium-rich bone tissue that forms just before egg-laying.

Volcano On The Verge of Eruption

The Tungurahua volcano in central Ecuador has shown considerable activity in recent days and experts are predicting a major eruption. (link in Spanish)

Remains of 12,000 American Indians stored under UC Berkeley

BERKELEY — There is a legend at the University of California, Berkeley, that human bones are stored in the landmark Campanile tower. But university officials say that's not true — the bones are actually stored beneath Hearst Gymnasium's swimming pool.



The Real Discovery of Christopher Columbus: Syphilis

Diseases carried to North America by Spanish explorers killed millions of the continent's original inhabitants, but the trip cut both ways: scientists say Christopher Columbus took syphilis back to Europe.

Hackers launch counter attacks on the Social Engineers

Many predators spend almost all of their time attacking citizens outside of the ZONE, trying to gain influence over them so they can target them better when they're inside the ZONE. These predators give themselves titles like "Social Engineer", when in fact all they are - are modern-day con-men, tricksters and cheats. Full Story....


Announcement of change in human history. Its highly recommended reading for anyone how wants to now where is biology today and where will be world tomorrow. Edge is published DOWNLOADABLE PDF BOOK.

Scientists Create Darkest Material

A scientist at a Houston university has created the darkest known material -- about four times darker than the previous record holder (100 times darker than a black-painted Corvette).

The universe in a brain cell?

One is only micrometers wide. The other is billions of light-ears across.

Whatever Happened to Wind Energy?

Do you know there was an article in a magazine like Popular Science years back on how to add it to your house . . It showed a picture of something like a water wheel turned on its side so any wind can catch it and make it turn and it was supplying power to a house with no problems . . Why is it taking so long to get out to the rest of the world . .

Supersnel internet via nieuwe techniek

Vier keer zo snel internet als het gebruikelijke ADSL via een plastic kabel? Het is mogelijk dankzij het POF-ALL (Paving the Optical Future with Affordable Lightning-fast Links) project wat haar resultaten publiceerde in het gerespecteerde wetenschappelijke tijdschrift New Scientist.

Your Weekly Numerology - January 15, 2008

More Creative Numerology by Christine DeLorey. How will the numbers in your birthday affect your life this week?

hamilelik ve gebelik

ULTRASON NELERİ GÖSTERİR Hamile kadınların birçoguna ilk ultrason incelemeleri,bebeğin geişme durumunu belirlemek için 16. haftada uygulanır.Bazıları hamileliklerinin ortasında ve sonlarına doğru ek incelemelerden geçirilir.Bu incelemelerin nedenleri şunlardır.

Study: If You Pay More, You Think Things Are Better

It's a [Apple?] marketing expert's dream; if you want people to like your product more, charge a higher price. Hilke Plassmann, et al, writing in PNAS, had test subjects undergo functional MRIs while they sipped wine. They were given 5 wines at 5 different prices. Except there were only 3 wines. 2 were identical and just had different prices.