Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Massive Self-Destructive Palm Found on Madagascar

Newly discovered palm tree is one of the largest known flowering plant on earth.

Asbestos Attorney Litigation Techniques

Asbestos is a strong, incombustible, naturally occurring fibrous and silicate mineral used widely in insulation and manufacturing industry. It has great strength, chemical and thermal stability. Three types of asbestos found are chrysotile

Asbestos Attorney - Legal Advice on Cancer & Mesothelioma

It takes decades, somewhere between 20 to 30 years, before mesothelioma or any asbestos-related cancer develops. This is because it takes time before the asbestos fiber to really cause damage in the lungs, the abdominal cavity or any parts of the body where there is a large presence of asbestos fiber

Tips to Control Blood Sugar Level Without Medication

Want to control blood sugar without medications? It may seem difficult, but it is possible with dietary restrictions and lifestyle changes.

chemical bisphenol A = severe health risks

It's in baby bottles, soda cans and 93% of us. It causes breast cancer, testicular cancer, diabetes and hyperactivity in lab animals, according to 80% of studies analyzed by the Journal Sentinel. But U.S. regulators side with the chemical-makers and say it's safe.

Solving The Mystery Of The Metallic Sheen Of Fish

Researchers have solved the mystery of the reflective properties of fish skin.

Airway Management in Trauma- Special Considerations

Maintaining an adequate airway is the foremost priority in the resuscitation of the trauma patient. The airway management must consider * Cervical spine stability * Aspiration of gastric contents * Facial trauma or burns * Intracranial injuries

FDA approves cloned animals for human food

After studying over 700 studies over a six-year period and with an in-depth analysis never before performed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the use of milk and organ or muscle tissue from cloned animals for food for humans.

5 Mistakes Preventing You From Winning Her Back

Winning her back doesn't have to be that hard. If you use advanced female psychology, winning her back can happen in under a month. Come find out more.

How To Win Her Back With Advanced Female Psychology

Winning her back is a lot easier than you think. Assuming you have the right information and "bag of dirty tricks" you can have her back in well under a month (really).

How To Win Her Back (Tricks & Techniques That Really Work!)

Use advanced female psychology to win her back in record breaking speed. With these tricks and tips on your side, you can easily win her back in day (or at lease a month).

God lost track of Adam & Eve, had to call them like puppies

All knowing God couldn't find the only two human beings on Earth because they were hiding behind bushes.

How To Win A Girl Back (Advanced Female Psychology)

Discover how to win a girl back with advanced psychological tricks. It doesn't have to be hard you know. With these methods and techniques, you can win your girl back in under a month (really).

Dinosaurs Had Teen Sex

Evidence has been found in fossilized dinosaur remains that they had sex as adolescents. Paleontologists found specialized tissue (for forming eggshells) in the fossils of several less than fully grown female dinosaurs. Either all teen dinosaurs were having sex or some older male dinos were just on the prowl for teenage females.

Very simple explanation of what E=mc squared means

Energy and matter are two different manifestations of the same thing. If you could convert a pound of matter into energy you could...[read post]

First land animals would have wanted a color TV.

The first prehistoric fish that made its way onto land saw a full range of colors, including wavelengths of light that human eyes cannot see. Scientists have discovered the retinas of Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) contain visual pigment genes that are more similar to those of tetrapods — four-legged land animals with backbones

What is Operations Research?

One of the questions that most Operations Research (OR) professionals are afraid of being asked is probably "What is OR?". It is difficult, even for a seasoned OR professional, to describe the field to a person with little or no relevant background...

Zombie Rats! (Creating Life from Death)

Article describes scientists reviving a dead rat's heart and its possibilities!

Animals cloned over last decade, defective.

Dozens of animals have been cloned over the last decade and it's becoming increasingly clear that they are all, in one way or another, defective

New material pushes the boundary of blackness

U.S. researchers said on Tuesday they have made the darkest material on Earth, a substance so black it absorbs more than 99.9 percent of light.

Conquering chronic pain: scientists find a key

Scientists have found a substance that, in mice, blocks chronic pain but does not appear to cause any of the unwanted side effects of existing painkillers, according to a study released on Wednesday.

Bug Labs, CNET Best of CES 2008 for Emerging Technology

Bug Labs make-your-own gadget takes the prize for emerging technology at the CNET Best of CES 2008 awards.

Can Pac-Man Save Us From Radioactive Waste?

If chemicals were people, uranium dioxide would be the guy standing alone with his drink at a party. The world's most commonly used radioactive substance--and its heaviest natural element--clutches its two oxygen atoms so tightly, it almost never reacts with other compounds. Now researchers report

Scientists find 2,000 pound rodent - luckily it's a fossil

Scientists in Uruguay have found the fossil remains of a 2,000 pound (1,000 kg) rodent that lived 2 million to 4 million years ago -- the largest rodent ever found.

Morgellons Disease Pictures and Story

Read the story and see the pictures here! Morgellons is an unexplained and debilitating condition that has emerged as a public health concern. Persons who suffer from the condition report a range of symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin lesion

Study reveals sex bias in science

IF YOU thought the glass ceiling for female scientists had been shattered, think again. Women are more likely to have their research published if the referees who peer review their work are unaware of their gender, a new study suggests. It has long been suspected that "single-blind" peer review - in which reviewers know a researcher's identity..

CDC to study of Morgellons

It sounds like a condition ripped from the pages of science fiction. Mysterious threads or fibres breaking through the skin or the sensation of insects crawling under it. Sores that won't heal. Impaired concentration and short-term memory loss.

Fantasy and Science Fiction: 'Kiosk' by Bruce Sterling

Great new short story by Bruce Sterling!

What Pi (Ï€) looks like in colors

each of the 10 possible decimals of the number pi is displayed by a distinct colored pixel.

Morgellons Disease Pictures and Story

Read the story and see the pictures here! Morgellons is an unexplained and debilitating condition that has emerged as a public health concern. Persons who suffer from the condition report a range of symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin lesion

25 Tips for getting best Success from Reddit

This is the most concise and detailed article, being a newbie this as given me ideas of what to write and post. As this is my first time here, I do need to read more articles like this. The 25 Tips for getting the best Success from Reddit should be read by all newbies that are starting out on blogging.