Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dragon Flies


Management of Shock In Trauma

Shock is defined as an abnormality of the circulatory system that results in inadequate organ perfusion and tissue oxygenation. In simple terms it means that tissues are not getting adequate blood perfusion and oxygenation.

Key To Avian Flu In Humans Discovered

MIT researchers have uncovered a critical difference between flu viruses that infect birds and humans, a discovery that could help scientists monitor the evolution of avian flu strains and aid in the development of vaccines against a deadly flu pandemic.

Dragon Flies


Four British Universities Unite to Boost Operations Research

According to Innovations Report, four British universities, Lancaster, Nottingham, Cardiff and Southampton, are brought together by a £12 million initiative named LANCS to boost Operational Research (OR) in the UK. The LANCS initiative is supported with a Science and Innovation Award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Breast Surgery

Breast surgery is a way for women to enhance, restore, or correct the size of their breasts. Whether it is breast enhancement, breast reduction, breast lift, or breast reconstruction, breast surgery can provide women with an improved body contour and a boost in self-confidence.

Dead humanoid Alien Footage Real?

A dead Alien is discovered in Peru viewer discretion is advised.

Dream of Speedbird

This blog is about expressions, views and news of aviation world

Dr. Valter Longo Vs Death: Biogerontology gets very real

A recent breakthrough by Dr. Valter Longo at USC shows a glimpse of that most elusive goal, increased human longevity.

Evolution is Not a Random Process

Researchers in Israel, the U.S, France and Germany have shown that evolution is not a random process, but occurs through the natural selection of successful traits.

The 10% of the Brain Myth

We've all heard that we only use 10% of our brains, now learn why this myth is total B.S.

Reasons I Believe In God, No. 3 - The Cosmological Argument

Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause of the universe, which has always existed, outside of the bounds of time, namely God.

Early Promising Results In Malaria Vaccine Trial

A small clinical trial conducted by an international team of researchers in Mali has found that a candidate malaria vaccine was safe and elicited strong immune responses in the 40 Malian adults who received it.

Fireflies and Google...the strange science of Emergence

WNYC's RadioLab offers a curious and insightful look into the secret inner workings of chaotic group dynamics. In systems without leaders, a strange order emerges, seemingly out of nothing. From urban planning to teeming ant colonies, Emergence is the study of the impossibly structured.

Jan. 23, 1960: Journey to the Deepest Place on Earth

Its dive into the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the trench, was made, according to a Navy press release, "to demonstrate that the United States possesses the capability for manned exploration of the sea down to the deepest part of its floor."

Live forever? All it'll cost you is a few tumors.

WNYC's RadioLab offers a curious and insightful look into the nature of mortality, and asks the question...What is death? Why do we die? Do we HAVE to?

Is the Media Convincing the Public that th USPTO Broke

It's been common knowledge that, generally, as a subject becomes more esoteric, the public relies more greatly on mainstream press coverage to formulate opinions.

Battery Breakthrough?

A Texas company says it can make a new ultracapacitor power system to replace the electrochemical batteries in everything from cars to laptops.

Discovery News : Discovery Channel

Two mathematicians have for the first time created a computer simulation that generates realistic three-dimensional snowflakes -- although even they aren't sure how it works.

Suchmaschinen und Bookmarks im Ranking

Google's Position als bekannteste Suchmaschine ist unbestritten. Doch wer folgt auf den weiteren Plätzen und wer ligt abgeschlagen hinten? Eine Übersicht über 40 Suchdienste und ihr Alexa-Ranking

'Safe Ebola' created for research

Scientists have made the lethal virus Ebola harmless in the lab, potentially aiding research into a vaccine or cure.

Tiny Genetic Differences, Huge Consequences, If You Know Wha

A study led by McGill University researchers has demonstrated that small differences between individuals at the DNA level can lead to dramatic differences in the way genes produce proteins. These, in turn, are responsible for the vast array of differences in physical characteristics between individuals.

Die Lüge vom Teamgeist

Mythos Team: Ob im Studium oder im Beruf, es gibt kaum etwas, bei dem Anspruch und Wirklichkeit so weit auseinander liegen wie bei der Teamarbeit. Eine Typologie.

Political Animals (Yes, Animals). Do you recognize these strategies?

Some brainy animal species, besides humans, campaign across sophisticated and far-flung social networks. Just as there are myriad strategies open to the human political animal with White House ambitions, so there are a number of nonhuman animals that behave like textbook politicians.