Wednesday, January 30, 2008


"Are there any logical reasons to believe in God? Billions of people over thousands of years have entertained this question, and the issue is certainly not without relevance in our world today."

Camera in mouse brain to probe memory

JAPANESE researchers have implanted a small camera inside a mouse's brain to see how memory is formed, in an experiment they hope to some day apply to humans to treat illnesses such as Parkinson's disease.

Genius IQ 6

Increase your genius iqWhy You Should Increase Your IQIncreasing your genius IQ is a topic that most people would love to know the secrets to. The secret is that genius IQ increase is both easy and natural if you understand the reasons how and why. Below, you will find some reasons as to why you should increase your genius IQ in the 21st century:1.

Take That Vulcans- You do need emotion to have logic

The role of emotions in relation to logic and cognitive thought. Emotions are necessary for logic and decision making, not a hindrance.

The History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less

everything you ever needed to know, and then some

Why Elephants Have Such a Long Memory?

1. The fertile banks of the Nile River offered several annual crops, as many floodings the river produced. The farmers would eagerly wait for the flooding, because after the water's retreat, the fields remained covered with a thick layer of mud on which the crops grew rapidly.

'double-dipping' is gross - study

Double-dipping, a practice frowned upon by many around snack tables at parties, is a major health hazard, according to a new US study.

Pot Oranges

A Florida Biochemist Designs a Citrus Tree with THC

Scientists: Bush Stifles Science, Lets World Leadership Slip

Scientists around the country are frustrated by what they view as the White House's morality-based politics that ignores scientific evidence, distorts facts and leads to outright censorship of reports and researchers that do not support the administration's agenda. Sunstroke author David Kagan wrote about similar suppression in Doomwatch Legacy.

Jood is responding to NLP!

Few interesting personal NLP experience with Jood; my 6-month-old daughter :)

Mythbusters - Plane On Conveyor Belt Takes Off

For the large-scale test, the MythBusters used a 400 pound ultralight aircraft with a 2000 foot tarp under it. The tarp was pulled backwards to simulate a moving runway. The ultralight pilot had no trouble taking off. This is because the thrust of the airplane engines acts on the air, not on the ground.

MythBusters solve riddle of airplane on a moving runway

Can an airplane take off from a runway that moves backwards at a speed equal to its take-off speed? The MythBusters put a fairly definitive end to this lasting internet debate.

How Devices Convert Light & Movement into Electrical Energy

The processes for converting solar and wind energy into electricity are quite different. Solar power is a chemical conversion process, while wind power converts energy mechanically.

The Most Disturbing Science Experiments Ever Performed

Prepare to be horrified as we plumb the depths of scientific depravity, from experiments involving "The Isolated Head of a Dog" to "Stimuli Eliciting Sexual Behavior in Turkeys". "Shock the Puppy" is a personal fave.

Mapping the Future

Hood is a leading intellect in the field of human genetics, delving into the very building blocks of life. "The human genome essentially lays out, in detail, all the elements that go into our genetic constitution. It deciphers the digital code of humanity," Hood, 69, explains.

Paradigm shift in studying disease

A study at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago published this week in the online version of Biophysical Journal proposes that bubbles may control the opening and closing of ion channels. This new understanding of the channels that control much of life in health and disease provides a vital piece of the molecular puzzle.

Tipped over: social influence

Malcolm Gladwell is famous for his influential theory of, well, influentials, but a Columbia sociologist says he's got it all wrong.

First Snow-less January in NYC in 75 Years

Unless New York City gets hit by an unexpected blizzard in the next 24 hours, this January will be the first essentially snow-less January in the last 75 years, according to weather records.

†Mighty Mouse’ robot frees stuck radiation source

The gamma rays from the cobalt-60 source could kill a man in a half a minute and it was stuck in exposed position at a White Sands' Gamma Irradiation Facility. The story of Mighty Mouse, a bomb-disposal robot sent in to free the stuck cylinder and send it back down to its resting place.

Berlin Dig Finds City Older Than Thought

An archaeological dig in downtown Berlin has uncovered evidence that the German capital is at least 45 years older than had previously been established, authorities said Wednesday.

The Incredible Power of Thermite

Burning thermite put into liquid nitrogen and other things.

Why do we laugh?

What's the evolutionary advantage of laughing when someone strokes our belly with a feather? Social connection—and chimps laugh at the same time, for the same reason.

Scale of the Universe

Nikon's Universcale web app. puts the entire universe into proportion, from the smallest particle to the largest measurements of space. From the femtometer to the light year, Universcale spans 40 magnitudes of measurement into a single cosmic web application.

Scan Uncovers Thousands of Copycat Scientific Articles

Database search turns up research papers suspiciously similar to prior publications, prompting investigations.

Interesting thing of the day: The Discovery of Radium

Marie Curie's miracle cure I have always loved this story; Marie Curie is one of the rare female scientists known to almost everyone. In addition this teaches us an important lesson: Any cure can have even worse side effects.

The pitter patter of little feet... climbing straight up a w

Building upon several years of research into the gecko's uncanny ability to climb sheer walls, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed an adhesive that is the first to master the easy attach and easy release of the reptile's padded feet. The material could prove useful for a range of products, from climbing equipment t

Livestock&Feed Formulation

Research and Article on Animal Production and Feed Formulation.

Creative People’s Brains Function Differently

A new study has ended the controversy (or perhaps just stirred up more) by demonstrating that creative people do think in a fundamentally different way than everyone else. The study showed that non-creative types versus creative types do indeed exhibit quite different patterns of brain activity while going about solving problems.

Scientist discovers six new species of deep sea fish

A sharp eyed marine scientist who spotted six strange fish during a deep sea research expedition has been rewarded for trusting her instincts.