Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual

Originally posted at prisonplanet. Link available at Amkon. The establishment media will have to find a new tactic with which to ridicule those who oppose the fluoridation of water after a major new Scientific American report concluded that "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift"

Power Supply 0-30V 5A by IC LM723 & 2N3055 x 2

This is circuit Regulator 0-30V 5A by IC LM723 + 2N3055 X2 part. (easy circuit) To use transformer 5A, Transistor 2N3055 to Hold Heatsink, VR1-5K to ADJ Volt Output.

Aggression: As Good as Food or Sex?

from ABC News

The Biggest Permanent Magnet in The World - Record Attempt

Hi All. I decided that I will create the biggest permanent magnet in the world. Just like that. This is what I wrote to the people at the Guinness Book of World Records. I am waiting to hear back from them. I will keep updating this post as the info comes in.

Fiber lasers are becoming a reality for the solar industry

Fiber lasers are gaining acceptance as a good match for elements of the solar industry. Technical evaluations of SPI's (Southampton, U.K.) pulsed fiber laser show that they can be used in a number of key applications for the manufacture of solar cells.

Envatment - Brains and Vats

What does it mean to be a brain in a vat?

Exercising Your Motor Skills Acts As Mental Lubricant?

Interesting article on Mental_floss about how a theory of fidgeting around helps you to process abstract information.

Unsolved Mysteries

What are ghost ships and do they really exist?

U.S. Dominance in Science at Risk, Report Says

The United States is still the world leader in scientific innovation, but its dominance is threatened by economic development elsewhere, the National Science Board reported today.

What is the fastest spinning made made object?

That is what I was wondering.

Physicists Expose Light’s Weird Quantum Nature

The behavioral possibilities of subatomic particles are endless ... until we start watching and measuring that behavior.

Exercising Your Motor Skills Acts As Mental Lubricant?

Interesting article on Mental_floss about how a theory of fidgeting around helps you to process abstract information.

Fish out of water (The Fish in Us)

"Our humanity comes at a cost. For the exceptional combination of things we do—talk, think, grasp, and walk on two legs—we pay a price." A funny and nice read on our evolutionary past.

Giant Two-Ton Rats Once Walked the Earth

Orkin would have run off; Terminex would have been terrified: They were the Rats as big as a Caddy!

Coming soon: cloaked submarines

Sounds like Star Trek, but American scientists have proven that a cloaking device that would render ships and submarines invisible to sonar is theoretically possible. What's next? Photon torpedoes?

Left brain vs. Right brain Test!

hey, i dont know if this is a phony, but its pretty cool. maybe it is because of the functions of your brain

Giant Two-Ton Rats Once Walked the Earth

Orkin would have run off; Terminex would have been terrified: They were the Rats as big as a Caddy!

rainforest flowers

There are thousands of rainforest flowers species. The rainforest has more flowers growing in it than anywhere on earth. Many of the rainforest flowers can be grown at home or anywhere in the world and they are not dependent upon the climate of the rainforest for growth.

rainforest flowers

There are thousands of rainforest flowers species. The rainforest has more flowers growing in it than anywhere on earth. Many of the rainforest flowers can be grown at home or anywhere in the world and they are not dependent upon the climate of the rainforest for growth.

Mystery: Huge Death Valley Rocks Slide/Move On Own

Scientists baffled by rocks (some 100s of pounds) apparently moving, sliding on own across "almost perfectly flat" & dry desert area called, Racetrack Playa. No one has seen movement but long visible trails left behind. Number of theories, based on unique nature of desert surface, wind, etc. [Piece includes photos.]

Giant rat that once roamed the earth - Times Online

Mighty Mouse

Mystery: Huge Death Valley Rocks Slide/Move On Own

Scientists baffled by rocks (some 100s of pounds) apparently moving, sliding on own across "almost perfectly flat" & dry desert area called, Racetrack Playa. No one has seen movement but long visible trails left behind. Number of theories, based on unique nature of desert surface, wind, etc. [Piece includes photos.]

Ego traps us in costly, losing battles, study finds

The study consisted of four experiments on college students. In each, the participants received some cash, and an opportunity to gamble or play it in games of skill or luck. These games were mostly losing propositions, by design.

Advanced Nuclear Reactors - Why you are wrong to oppose..

Generations I and II were built by the military - for the military - with the single aim of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons.. We are now in the stage of going from advanced gen III to gen IV, something the public is entirely misinformed about..

rainforest flowers

There are thousands of rainforest flowers species. The rainforest has more flowers growing in it than anywhere on earth. Many of the rainforest flowers can be grown at home or anywhere in the world and they are not dependent upon the climate of the rainforest for growth.

How Safe Is Your Bottled Water?

Chemicals, contaminants, pollution, price: new reasons to rethink what you drink and beware of bottled water.

'Biggest ever' rodent fossil discovered

A 1-tonne rodent has been discovered by scientists in Uruguay. But there is no need to worry, Josephoartigasia monesi is around 2 million years old and fossilised.

FDA Approves Cloned Meat, Milk: Newspaper

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration report finds that meat and milk from cloned animals is, for the most part, safe to eat, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

How to Bond With a Cat

There's male bonding...female bonding...here are some ways to bond with a cat.

Embryos challenge fails in Lords

Ethics of the use of human embryos debated

How to Avoid Online Pet Scams

Buying a new pet on the Internet is usually not a good idea. In addition to unscrupulous dealers and puppy mills selling their "stock" to unsuspecting buyers—online scammers find ways to bilk substantial amounts of money out of people for pets that may not even exist.

FDA Approved Cloned Animals for Food In the US

Yes, your next burger might be a clone of your last. it's been less than a decade since the first cloned animal, but now the FDA says they're okay for use in US meat production. However they will likely be used for meat breeding stock and not the actual animals on the plate.

F.D.A. Says Food From Cloned Animals Is Safe

Despite the F.D.A. endorsement, the Agriculture Department has asked farmers to continue withholding clones from the food supply.

Is Aggression Like Sex?

Researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville found that the same "reward pathway" in the brain responds to aggression with the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, known to be produced in response to various stimuli. Although the preliminary work involved lab mice, the scientists believe their findings probably apply to virtually all

Military Industry Makes Up 70% Of Russian Science Production

Russia's military industrial complex makes up 70% of the country's total science intensive production... half of Russian scientists work in the military industrial sector...

Evolution does not fit as well with the facts of science

The Evolutionary model says that it is not necessary to assume the existence of anything, besides matter and energy, to produce life. We know perfectly well that if you leave matter to itself, it does not organize itself. Darwinism has never had much appeal for science outside of the English-speaking world.

Genes Related To Body Weight Almost 25 Percent Of The Genome

Researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center have attempted to count the number of genes that contribute to obesity and body weight - and it isn't a pretty number.

America's First Maglev gets another chance...

ODU partners with Massachusetts company to test new maglev train.

Improve learning by giving enhanced feedback

An article about how the digital age opens up possibilities for giving us new kind of feedbacks or translating known feedback for other senses, so that learning special abilities can be made possible or at least improved.

New Isotope Discovery: Borhium-260

The discovery of a new isotope of Bohrium, by Nelson et al., was published yesterday in PRL. In total, 8 events of 260Bh were reported.

Things my kids will never know...

I've been contemplating how my kids will see the world around them and how different it will be from how I perceive and understand the world from my experience and perspective. These are some of my musings on the subject.

Northwest Biotherapeutics: Boomer Science!

This seems like a good future for an aging population...

10-Fold Life Span Extension Reported (1/15/2008)

The discovery achieved through a combination of dietary and genetic changes, brings science closer to controlling the survival and health of all living systems: the cell. Longo's group identified a major overlap between the genes previously implicated in life span regulation and those involved in life span extension under calorie restriction.

San Andreas quake could shake California for 60 seconds

The U.S. Geological Survey says that a 7.8 quake on the southern San Andreas could shake Orange County and the rest of SoCal for at least 60 seconds, causing catastrophic damage. The claim is based on one of the most advanced computer simulations ever done on a California quake.

The Blind Brain

Scientists challenge the dogma of a brain rigidly hard-wired for vision.

