Monday, January 21, 2008

Slow motion bullet

Slow motion video of a bullet passing through various items

Pig organs OK, but not for dinner

Most of us would be happy to receive a life-saving organ from a pig or a cow as long as that animal was never destined for their dinner plate, a survey shows... in general people didn't want to use animals that were bred and kept as pets, bred for food or free range, including wild animals

10 Accidental Product Discoveries

Always keep your mind open when you are experimenting. While working toward one goal, one of your mistakes may prove to be very useful for another purpose. Or you may turn a side effect or byproduct into something that will become a hit! Alexander Fleming thought his experiment was ruined when mold formed in the petri dish,

Ethanol, It's Not Just From Corn Anymore

Study shows prarie grass can provide ethanol as well.


Surgical interruption of nerve tracts..

Left Brain vs Right Brain test

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... depending on which way the dancer turns, you can work out what side of your brain is processing the information.

Kite-Powered Ship Sets Sail for Greener Future

A cargo ship pulled by a giant, parachute-shaped kite will leave Germany on Tuesday on a voyage that could herald a new "green" age of commercial sailing on the high seas. The owners of the MS Beluga, a 462ft cargo vessel, will try to prove that modern steel ships can harness wind power and reduce their reliance on diesel engines.

Circuit reduction method

"Find I_1 and I_2 in the following circuits by circuit reduction."

Blame the rich

They made us who we are. A species of hyperselfish psychopaths.

How to Help: Supporting an Infertile Couple

If someone you love is going through infertility treatment, you may wonder how you can help. Dr. Eric Daiter explains how much is too much.

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

After IVF, a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) may be your next infertility treatment option. Learn how it's done from Dr. Eric Daiter, MD.

What is Frozen Pelvis?

Have you been diagnosed with frozen pelvis? Get the answers to your questions about infertility treatment from Dr. Eric Daiter, MD.

How to hold FIRE!

An amazingly cool video showing you how to hold fire in your hands and not get burned!

How to Help: Supporting an Infertile Couple

If someone you love is going through infertility treatment, you may wonder how you can help. Dr. Eric Daiter explains how much is too much.

Web Bot Project 2012

Heared about Web Bot Project? Are you curious and want to know more about it? Get all the informations you need and the shocking truth now. Just click the link.

The Mark of Doom

American scientists have declared that in ten years they will succeed in creating a radically new type of biological weapon. This weapon would be capable of infecting people according to a genetically predetermined marker such as skin color or eye shape.

Blondes prefer blondes: Study

Whether or not blondes have more fun, it appears they do prefer their own company.

'Safe Ebola' created for research

Scientists have made the lethal virus Ebola harmless in the lab, potentially aiding research into a vaccine or cure. "The altered virus does not grow in any normal cells. This system can be used for drug screening and for vaccine production." Didn't we see a movie this year like this?

Debunking the Propaganda of Religious People

Point by point.

Adventures in thinking

One very smart man, and this thoughts on life...

Fossils Show Australian Platypus is World's Oldest Mammal

"This fossil evidence shows that the platypus family was much, much older than that. It puts them well into the age of the dinosaurs...whereas the commonly held view is that the mammals didn't really take off until after the dinosaurs had become extinct."

Teenagers, Scalpels and Real Cadavers

Some high school biology classes are using real human cadavers to teach students anatomy in a different way.